Test your Medium level

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets.

Welcome to your Test your Medium level

1. She   (study) for her exams every night.

2. The children (play) in the park when it started raining.

3. Yesterday, they (go) to the museum to see the new exhibit.

4. My cat   (sleep) on the windowsill right now.

5. We (have) a picnic in the park last Sunday.

6. He (write) a letter to his grandmother every month.

7.  The sun (shine) brightly in the morning.

8. By the time I arrived, they (finish) their lunch.

9. I (meet) my friend for coffee later this evening.

10. The baby (cry) because he is hungry.

11. They (build) a sandcastle on the beach yesterday.

12. The teacher (explain) the lesson to the students right now.

13. Last summer, we (travel) to Europe for vacation.

14.  I  (read) an interesting book at the moment.

15. The students (listen) to the lecture attentively.

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